I am a faculty of DA-IICT, Gandhinagar (India) and am an alumnus of IIT Delhi and IIT Roorkee. I obtained my PhD degree in Physics from IIT Delhi in 1993. Prior to joining DA-IICT in 2003, I worked at Centre for Theoretical Studies at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India) during 1993-94 followed by the Optical Fiber Group at IIT Delhi (India) till 1996. My main academic interest areas are sensors, Internet of Things, image processing, fiber optics, semiconductor physics, applications of technologies for humanitarian challenges.
I am a senior member of IEEE, a member of Optica (formerly Optical Society of America) and a member of Optical Society of India. After serving two terms as VP Technical Operations (2020-2023), I am currently the President-elect of IEEE Sensors Council (2024-2025). I was also the Chair of IEEE Conference Publications Committee (2019-2020). I have been the General co-Chair of many international conferences, such as: IEEE APSCON 2023, IEEE R10 HTC 2023, IEEE SENSORS 2018, INDICON 2009 and the Technical Program Committee co-Chair of IEEE APSCON 2025, IEEE APSCON 2024, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES 2023), INDICON 2019.
Some of the notable awards which I won are: 2019 IEEE India Council Section Chair Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017 IEEE Sensors Council Meritorious Service Award, 2012 IEEE MGA Leadership Award and 2010 IEEE Region 10 Outstanding Volunteer Award.
Involvement as: Principal Investigator
IEEE Sensors Alert - 2021 -.
Sponsoring Organization: IEEE Sensors Council
IEEE Sensors Alert is an online digest which will post monthly four to five articles. These articles will primarily be the condensed versions of the selected research papers published in one of our Journals. These journals could be our 100% sponsored (such as IEEE Sensors Journal and IEEE Sensors Letters ) or co-sponsored journals (such as IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Games, The Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems and IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics) or even our member-societies' journals. The summary of the selected papers you read here is re-produced by either appointed technical writers or even by the original authors.
The objective is to provide the sensor enthusiasts with a one-stop destination to know about the evolution of sensors, sensing systems and sensor technologies of their interest. It will give you a 50-75 words teaser of the topic and a 400-500 words condensed article as well in a lucid and layman’s language which will make your reading a pleasure. We believe that in this format the IEEE Sensors Alert ezine will make sense to a large segment of the users, including practicing engineers, scientists, technology professionals, industry managers and executives, and even pre-university and university students. Each article will also give the IEEE Xplore link of the original research paper. It will also give you the link of some similar articles for quick reference.
MAYOSA - 2017-2019
Sponsoring Organization: IEEE Sensors Council
Smart cities, smart homes, smart streetlights, smart parking, smart irrigation, smart health monitoring and the list goes on! “Smart System” is the new buzzword! One might wonder, “What makes a system smart?” And the answer is : Sensors! Be it health, education, agriculture, industry, finance, no sector is left untouched by the sensor technology. Sensors help you sense, measure and respond to a situation by make appropriate decisions. Thus, learning about this path breaking technology, at pre-university stage is very important for all the budding engineers. With a motivation to make this learning process burden free and full of fun, we have designed and developed the MYOSA board. The core concept of MYOSA is ‘plug and play’ so that the students and programmers can develop useful sensor applications without getting involved in the very basic sensor coding and wired operations. MYOSA, thus, aims at providing an easy and playful hands-on experience with the world of sensors!
The entire MYOSA kit can be used in solving various real life situations using the power of sensors. With the availability of multipurpose sensors, actuators and a powerful motherboard, lots of useful applications can be implemented. A sample application of “Fire detection” is given for your reference. Create tons of more such applications easily with MYOSA!
Sponsoring Organization: National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad
Idea: We generally experience that energy is wasted while writing due to mechanical limitations of the simple pen. The energy wasted during writing can be used to produce small amounts of energy and charge embedded devices. We propose to develop a prototype pen capable of harvesting the energy exhausted as pressures while writing. The device will be able to store energy as electricity which can be utilized as per desirable use like charging a cellular phone etc. We propose to install piezoelectric sensors at points in the pen receiving repeated pressure such as the casing behind the refill and the holding positions. The piezoelectric material can be connected to a capacitive device for storing the charge. This charge can be extracted later for purposes stated above. The output can be taken via any desired port that can be installed onto the device.
Sponsoring Organization: National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad
Idea: The application targets a varied field of users. People from all walks of life can find use of such a device. While driving it is a major diversion when you need to read the number/name of the person calling you on your cell phone. A blind person is unable to read important things like signposts or news papers. The aim of this project is to create a multi purpose text to speech conversion system which can be used by everybody to make their daily lives easier. This device intends to help people multitask more efficiently by reading to them when they are unable to concentrate on the written matter. Existing technologies are majorly proprietary and expensive for the common user. We intend to develop the product under a constricted budget using open source libraries and minimal hardware for the purpose.
Sponsoring Organization: National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad
Idea: The primary purpose of the object locator is to help find lost objects inside a household. The object locator consists of a transmitter (which is with the user) and a receiver (which is attached to the object).Each receiver contains a buzzer and is associated with a particular address. The transmitter contains a switch and a mechanism to set address of a receiver attached to the lost object. When the switch is pressed the transmitter sends out an electrical signal containing the address of the receiver. The receiver receives the signal and matches the address with its own address. If the address of the receiver and the one which is set in the transmitter by the user is the same then the buzzer in the receiver starts buzzing. Using the buzzing of the receiver the user can find the missing object. The salient feature of the object locator is that only one transmitter is required to find multiple objects attached to multiple receivers by changing the address which is transmitted by the transmitter. The receiver can be attached to variety of objects like files, keys, remotes, etc. which easily get lost. The current implementation of the object locators supports receivers for 256 objects.
Sponsoring Organization: National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad
Idea: A blind person faces many difficulties in carrying out day to day activities independently. One such difficulty is navigation through an unknown environment. The aim of the project is to develop a low cost and a robust navigation system for the visually impaired, which will help them to navigate independently in buildings like government offices, educational institutions etc. There are already many outdoor navigation systems available in the market, which work on GPS and GIS. However, technologies like GPS and GIS cannot be used for navigation inside a building. But our system will of help the visually impaired particularly for navigation inside a building.
Sponsoring Organization: National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad
Idea: Lot of times while writing we make spelling mistakes and there is no mechanism to know whether the spelling is right or wrong. If a system exists which informs us of spelling mistakes while writing, it could be of a great help. The objective is to make a pen that indicates that there is a spelling mistake in writing. The pen monitors the hand movement of a person and recognizes the letters written by the user. On the basis of this information the pen recognizes the words written and matches them to its on board dictionary and gives an indication if the spelling of a word is wrong. The pen uses optical sensors like the ones used in the optical mouse used with a personal computer. This sensor is aligned with the writing point of the pen thus monitoring the letters written. The pen has an onboard dictionary that it refers to for the correct spelling of a word, on a mismatch the pen gives a visual or audio indication that a wrongly spelt word has been written.
Sponsoring Organization: National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad
Idea: The Universal Refrigerator Grid System is an electronic device which can be attached with any refrigerator. Its basic functionality is to work as a reminder alarm system. It is often experienced that housewives, or any person for that matter, who places a food item in the refrigerator for a certain period of time, forgets to take it out of the refrigerator after the required amount of time. This is often a source of inconvenience especially when the food item is an ice-cream or a water bottle kept in the freezer to chill. The Universal Refrigerator Grid System provides a solution for this problem. The system enables the user to set a timer alarm for the food item placed inside. The user may place the food item inside the refrigerator and set the timer to the required time. As soon as the time is set, the timer begins and at the end of the set time, the system gives off an audio alarm, reminding the user to take out the food item placed inside previously. Along with the audio alarm, the system also possesses a feature of displaying the name of the food item to be removed and the area of the fridge where it was kept. This functionality makes the system easily usable by any person other than the one who used it to set the alarm. Apart from the alarm and grid setting functionalities, the Universal Refrigerator Grid System also provides a functionality of display of the refrigerator grids. The refrigerator is virtually divided into grids by the system and the user is required to enter the grid in which he/she places the food item. After this information is fed in the system by the user, an overall view of the refrigerator grid can be viewed by the user which displays the number and positions of the grids occupied and unoccupied in the refrigerator.
Synopsis: The objective is to propose an approach for automated car license plate detection and recognition. The system is expected to extract and process car license plate from frames of a video stream in real time (3 – 4 seconds) without the need of human intervention. The system is likely to be used for car access control where the detected license plate is supposed to be checked with an existing database. Detection s/w should work under following assumptions: 1) The video stream containing the relevant information (the view of the car with the front or rear license plate visible) is available. This further assumes that there is no control over the process of generation of this video stream. 2) The input to the proposed image recognition software system would be frames extracted from the above video streams. 3) For a given setup of capturing the video streams, the location of the license plate may be approximately known. This will help in discerning between other regions of the image frame that might contain alphanumeric characters.
It was an Industry sponsored R&D Project at DA-IICT. (2004-05)
Synopsis: The Fingerprint Biometric platform is to be based on the TMS320VC5501 DSP from Texas Instrument. The hardware for this platform will be developed at Creative Solutions while the software is to be developed by DA-IICT for both verification and identification functions. It is assumed that the client has a database of maximum of 1000 registered users with registration of 3 fingerprints per user. Software should respond in not more than 1 sec. System may run as a standalone or as a node networked with a host computer having upto 256 similar nodes in the same network. Optical sensor may be used for data capturing. The whole system will work on RS-485.
We used 1) Wiener filter for noise reduction from the fingerprint image received from optical sensor, 2) Local histogram equalization for uniform distribution of gray values, 3) Fourier transform of the image for contrast enhancement, 4) Anisotropic filtering for image enhancement, 5) Morphological operations for binarization and thinning of image. These steps were followed by minutae extraction and false minutae removal which would help in classification of image and matching.
It was an Industry sponsored R&D Project at DA-IICT. (2005)
Synopsis: Bhasha and Tribal Academy have developed a database about healthcare records of 45,000 adivasis living in Tejgarh area of Gujarat state. The database also contains contextual data related to various parameters like education, economy, population of village etc. Basic health is related to these parameters or may be more than these. For example, malnutrition should not be seen as a health issue in isolation. Rather it has a socio-economic linkage with the living standard of the family or the employability of the earning parsons of the family. There is a need to build database of people living in tribal areas of India and generate comparative analytical reports to help in planning of allocation of fund and other resources for tribal health care of India.
Objectives of this project are: 1) To develop healthcare database of people living in tribal areas of Gujarat, 2) Develop a tool having capabilities to perform comparative analysis on multiple dimensions, 3) Develop user friendly GUI to provide support for retrieval based on various GIS parameters.
It is supported by DA-IICT as an R&D Project at DA-IICT. (2007-09)
Synopsis: The Gujarat State government operates several poverty alleviation schemes for the upliftment of economically backward regions and citizens in the state of Gujarat. These schemes are funded by various agencies including the Central Government of India as well as the State Government of Gujarat. Each scheme is intended to address specific needs of defined sections of the population – Housing Finance Aid schemes, Employment Generation schemes, Infrastructure development schemes, Health promotion schemes, as well as special schemes for Scheduled Castes and Tribes and members of the Fishing communities. Under this system, each intended beneficiary will be issued a photo-identification card called “Below Poverty Line Card” (BPL Card) containing machine-readable information about the beneficiary including eligibility under various schemes. Special Kiosks manned by trained operators, will be provided within easy access of the place of residence of each beneficiary. Using the BPL card the beneficiary will be able to obtain information about the various schemes as well as apply for them.
Synopsis: The proposed study of the State of Gujarat will focus on the potential for growth of products and services in various sectors of the economy of this State indicating the scope for employability and skill up-gradation of the labour force, which in general could lead to human capital formation. The concept ‘employability’ encompasses a number of dimensions with regard to education, skill formation and the training of labour. The aim of the research study is to address the asymmetries present in both demand and supply side of the labour market. In this context, the study will explore various possibilities of integrating the planning and investment decisions conducive to achieve improved employability leading to sustainable development.
Objectives of the study are: 1) To assess the macro-economic scenario of the State based on secondary data in order to identify the sectoral growth pattern, 2) To assess the nature of work and extent of skills required for employability in the identified key sectors of the economy and 3) To recommend and suggest potential growth areas and the nature of skill upgradation required for the same.
It was a Mahatma Gandhi Labour Institute, Gujarat funded Consultancy Project at DA-IICT. (2008)
Palak Shah (200901023), Srishti Gupta (200901178)
The inability to read is a great setback faced by blind community next to basic self support and navigation.
This paper describes the development of an affordable and user friendly product which will enable the blind or visually impaired to read a standard sized novel or book. Our project consists of two components – software and hardware. Software part consists of an Android based application that converts images of printed text into audio output. For text recognition and extraction from image, we have used Android API from Tesseract
toolkit which provides the OCR and Leptonica image processing libraries. For converting this textual output of OCR to audio we have used the inbuilt Android Text to speech engine. The user interface is specifically designed for visually impaired people and contains voice instructions at every step. The hardware component comprises of a book stand that provides a setup for holding camera and book to be read. Their positions are fixed so as to obtain optimum output with the least amount of effort by the user. The stand is not only strong and sturdy, but also portable.
Priyank Bharad (200901219), Mohit Bharaney (200901214)
The technologies currently used for navigation are GPS and GIS, but they dont provide reliable results in an indoor environment and are not so user friendly for a visually impaired person.We would like to propose a system that would acoustically guide the visually impaired person to his desired destination in an indoor environment. The system proposed is to have a network of ceiling mounted IR transmitting nodes that mark different location of the building and a headphone mounted receiver device which receives the IR data and guides the person wearing the headphone accordingly. The system is not only easy to use but also low cost. We have tested the system in CEP building and have found out the limitations of our system and how it can be improved.
Fenil Kanjani (200901103), Bhavin Khatri (200901085)
This project tries to address the issues of growing carbon footprint due to excessive increase in number of vehicles being used for commuting to and from the offices. We tried to provide an online service of car-pooling to all these office-goers which might reduce the number of vehicles plying on the road. The ergonomics, usability, user-friendliness in offering and selecting a ride as per the preferences are some of the unique features of our product.
Yatish R Mehta (200801018)
Management, submission and evaluation of University projects undertaken by the students was a complex task for the Coordinator managing the project, supervisor, supervising the project and students. These projects were done by students under different supervisor over a period of time spanning from 4 months to 12 months, the coordinator needed constant feedback to efficiently and effectively manage these projects. This was the driving motivation behind the development of the website (https://uspmes.daiict.ac.in). This website is currently being used by students of M.Tech. 2010, B.Tech. 2008, M.Sc. (IT) 2010 batch. A provision is made for students of M.Sc. (ICT-ARD) and Ph.D. to use this system for management of their theses.
G K Sai Prithvi (200801070) and Priyank Parashar (200801045)
This project has attempted to implement a wishful innovative idea of a ‘self-correcting pen’. As the name suggests, the project is about developing a pen that will enable its user to verify the correctness of the spelling of each and every word written by him/her. We have used analog accelerometer to recognize the letters that the user writes, followed by the recognition of a word and verifying its spelling with the embedded dictionary in the flash memory of the microcontroller. The wrong word is immediately displayed on an LCD screen. The design and challenges related to the project are described elaborately. The specifications of the product have also been listed as the result of the test cases.
Yash Soni (200801207) and Sonali Dubey (200801208)
Serious games and especially their use in healthcare applications are a rapidly growing area of research. KinectoTherapy incorporates serious games that process 3D input using the Microsoft Kinect motion sensor to build an effective rehabilitation system. Through discussion with a number of physiotherapists and occupational therapists, it was determined that the physically handicapped typically lack enthusiasm for rehabilitation and this hinders their recovery and ability to care for themselves. Using research and recommendations from therapists, this project involves implementation of exercise routines that target different parts of the body and aid people with motor disabilities stemming from cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, post stroke and hereditary muscle ailments amongst others.
Vivek Vaibhaw Dwivedi (200801107), Parul Jain (200801117), Pragati Sharma (200801009), Shantanu Godbole (200801143) and Jaimin Parikh (200801151)
This project was aimed at developing POS (Point of Sales) an Android application for Open ERP. It can be used on Android phones for shopping. The App developed can be used for billing of items by the customers themselves approaching the manual point of sales in a mall. It scans the QR code containing login information of the shop ERP and connects to the ERP database. It connects to the ERP database of the mall by scanning the data available in the QR code about the database. Presently it is developed for Android 2.1 and above and it works with Open ERP as the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for the shop. The application is aimed to save the customers from long queues at the Point of Sales by providing them with billing facility that they get at the POS till. This application also does inventory management and invoice creation for the shop. XML RPC client is used to connect to the ERP server and all the communication between ERP server and application is done through internet and via an intermediate server.
V Harsha Deep Reddy (200701187)
With B.Tech. Project management and evaluation becoming increasingly time consuming and complex task there was a need to develop a system which could formalize the process. This was the motivation behind the site https://btp.daiict.ac.in .This site is now operational and is being used by B.Tech. 2007 batch for their BTP management and evaluation.
Sai Pranav Yarlagadda (200701126)
With the rapid increase of mobile internet users in the recent past and the increase of smart phone users, the need for mobile applications in every field has become mandatory. It is the same for the tourism industry. This need led to the development of this application that gives users information on the tourist locations and places nearby in which the user is interested. The mobile application is developed for Android, iOS and web application is cross platform.
Agnivesh Gupta (200701090)
KnowledgeNet is a knowledge sharing system which provides a platform for sharing of ideas, knowledge and experiences among different intellectual groups, namely research community, academia and industry, to enhance quality of education and research. This project concentrates on identifying the threats and vulnerabilities possible to this kind of system, and then making it secure from the same.
Manit Kant (200701088)
We have designed an 8-channel DWDM system and the EDFA gain was optimized for the system by varying various parameters such as fiber length, input pump power, numerical aperture, core radius and Er doping radius. Also, a Low Power, High Bit Rate CMOS Driver for VCSEL can be used instead of the continuous wave laser source to decrease the power consumption of the whole system leading to an overall improvement of the system.
Lokesh Kataria (200701082)
This paper gives the information of some most frequent attacks that most of the Web applications are facing today and the approach to evaluate the security of a Web application using some risk rating methods such as DREAD model and Bayesian Defense Graphs. One of the approaches calculates the risk based on the probability of their occurrence and their damage potential. Another approach calculates the probability considering attacks will succeed and their impact on business. A threat model has been also described in this paper to identify threats, attacks, vulnerabilities and countermeasures in the context of the application scenario. In the end of this paper, there are given two examples of real web applications which shows their countermeasures against some of the attacks and the probabilities of accessing the unauthorized data they are protecting after applying those countermeasures.
Aniket Roy (200701030)
With stereo music in mp3/wav format now becoming the only acceptable choice for music lovers, musicians and recording artists, this project focuses on the elimination of vocals from a mixed down stereo song to aid singers rehearse, perform and record without having the support of accompanying musicians or licensed karoake tracks. The study suggests efficient methods to identify and remove human voices from a stereo song without affecting the background music sources or instruments.
Kapil Khandelwal (200601077)
This project aims to create a knowledge system which provides a platform for sharing of information, knowledge, experiences and ideas among different target groups, namely research community, academia and industry professionals, to enhance quality of education, research and development. It promotes interaction among registered users of this system to further develop and integrate these threaded pieces together. The project is build using Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) model.
Tanu Jindal (200601014)
III-nitrides semiconductor devices are being widely used as a good technology vehicle for high-frequency and high-power applications. In particular, AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT) are currently the most promising devices for microwave power amplification. These devices can work efficiently under wider bias ranges without breakdown due to better material properties responsible for high power/high frequency, i.e., large band gap, high electron drift velocity and high breakdown electric field. Since these devices operate at high voltage levels which may result in large currents and can lead to considerable heat generation causing significant increase in the channel temperature and thermal resistance that adversely affects the electron transport properties. The reliability and power performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMT power devices depend critically on thermal resistance and operating channel temperature. Therefore, an accurate estimation of thermal resistance and channel temperature is highly desirable. In this study, reported closed form expressions are used for estimating the thermal resistance of 0.25 micron gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs through simulation and its variation with geometrical parameters for different substrates, e.g., SiC, Sapphire, Si, GaN and Diamond. In this project, simulation is carried out in MATLAB R2008b to predict the thermal behavior of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with industry standard geometrical parameters.
Pallav Vyas (200601070)
In modern lifestyle, where technology makes a style-statement along with providing various facilities, there is an imperative need of breakthrough in accessing and reading/viewing news, too. Here we introduce an iPaper, a handy portable digital newspaper which attempts to revolutionize newspaper reading. iPaper explores new and interactive ways of information delivery to the readers, by using the already existing unfathomable source of information and an intuitive and immersive user interface. It will provide the user with news of his interest and will keep the news headlines always updated by remaining connected to the internet. We expect that the iPaper would be an entirely new experience for the reader and cost-effective as well. iPaper will not just be a medium to deliver news, but to be a complete replacement of paper.
Rohin Agrawal (200501187)
Manipulation in image has been in practice since centuries. These manipulated images are intended to alter facts – facts of ethics, morality, politics, sex, celebrity or chaos. Image Forensic Science (Image Forensics) can be used to detect manipulation(s) in a digital image. There are many standard way to analyze an image for manipulation. We propose a new method that is based on light and its shade. It measures the direction of light source and uses the light based technique for identification of any intentional manipulation in the said digital image.
Abhinav Nigam (200501185), Anuj Srivastava (200501207)
A GIS (Geographic Information System) is a system which uses computerized mechanism for integrating geo-referenced data sets and analyzes them in order to generate ‘information’ relevant to the management needs in a particular context. GIS can reveal hidden patterns, relationships and trends which are otherwise not evident in statistical packages, often creating new information from the existing data sources. This report examines the capability of GIS as a technology and its usability as a decision support system in various domains. Also we have analyzed the specific requirement of our client, IOCL, to help them understand if the district of Balasore of Orissa state has some wasteland suitable for cultivation of Jetropha under their Bio-fuel initiative.
Praveen Shekhar (200501154)
Virtual Tour has become a significant feature in today’s contemporary life. Real Estates, Shopping Malls, Retail shops, Commercial buildings, Hotels, Schools, Universities etc. have been using this exciting feature to give an almost realistic view to their clients. Virtual Tour has been growing as a featured application to promote an easy way access to people, especially from remote places to give a visual picturization of places via internet thus saving a lot of time and giving an independence to view on an ‘anytime, anywhere’ basis. The virtual tour of DA-IICT campus has been developed in Flash using ActionScript 2.0. The tour would reduce the gap between the real and the virtual world. Besides the virtual tour, we have also developed a total dynamic framework of a slideshow that entails an image gallery depicting different activities in the DA-IICT campus.
Abhishek Daiya (200501075)
Lifestyle is the way we live our life; what we eat, how and when we eat, how much we exercise, how we cope with stressful situations. Lifestyle Modification is a pro-active approach towards optimum health & wellness by bringing about appropriate changes in the way you live to Live Life More. Today there are lots of resources available over net for providing information about the food we eat but the way we live today in a fast running world. But this information is not handy as on date. Also nobody has the time to go through a book, or on the internet to search for contents in our diet. The need of hour is to provide such information fast and easily. This is the project to build a mobile application which could provide information easily and keep track of calorie intakes of a person.
Swapnil Khandelwal (200501007)
The project aims to develop a waste monitoring system for the municipal authorities to understand the waste characteristics of an area and utilise the information in preparing a waste management model which is effective and economically beneficial for all the elements involved in the waste management system. Waste monitoring will be done through a systematic mapping of waste on a municipality map along with online monitoring of the waste lifting and dumping process.
Kumar Ankit (200401011)
The Gujarat State government operates several poverty alleviation schemes for the upliftment of economically backward regions and citizens in the state of Gujarat. These schemes are funded by various agencies including the Central Government of India as well as the State Government of Gujarat. Each scheme is intended to address specific needs of defined sections of the population – Housing Finance Aid schemes, Employment Generation schemes, Infrastructure development schemes, Health promotion schemes, as well as special schemes for Scheduled Castes and Tribes and members of the Fishing communities. Under this system, each intended beneficiary will be issued a photo-identification card called a “Below Poverty Line Card” (BPL Card) containing machine-readable information about the beneficiary including eligibility under various schemes. Special Kiosks manned by trained operators, will be provided within easy access of the place of residence of each beneficiary. Using the BPL card the beneficiary will be able to obtain information about the various schemes as well as apply for them.
Umang Merwana
This report describes the study of Hawthrone effect applied on Smoking Zones established in IT Industries. Hawthrone effect is temporary change to behavior or performance in response to a change in the environmental conditions. Through the combination of Smoking Zone and Hawthrone effect, we aim to illustrate the details of the scientific management in IT industry through smoking zones. In order to get a clear picture of above we have divided the report into ’what’, ’why’ and ’how’?
Aunindra Kumar Sinha (200201045)
Precisely locating the position of eye is very often required in Face Recognition and Detection. In the first stage the proposed method performs the Coarse eye location and in the subsequent stage Fine Eye Location is performed. For Coarse Eye Location, the edges of eye region are detected using Sobel Edge Detector with Local Adaptive Thresholding. In Fine Eye Location ellipse detection algorithm is used. Experimental results shows that this method successfully locates eye from given images.
Shashwat Singh (200101051)
Double clad fibers are a way employed to power scale the rare earth doped fiber lasers that find application in many practical fields namely optical measuring, telecommunications, spectroscopy, sensors and medicines. The shape and positioning of the core and inner clad are extremely important as the absorption characteristics of the fiber is dependent on them. Also the pumping technique employed governs the coupling efficiency. Here we have proved that triangular shape in the inner cladding is optimal and the IVGT (Imbedded V Groove Technique) for pumping can be used to circumvent the typical deficiencies of end pumping techniques. As we move to higher power scale, the nonlinear effects that were negligible earlier become prominent. Photonic crystals can be employed in the inner and outer clad to reduce the nonlinear effect. The nonlinear effects can be classified into two categories namely the material dispersion and the waveguide dispersion. Also we know that the material dispersion characteristic of air is lower than any other material, thus the use of air holes (photonic crystals) may reduce the nonlinear effects.
So in the due course of the project we have proved that the triangular clad is optimal using geometric optics. We have also calculated the numerical apertures, the angle of incidence and the hole density in the inner and the outer clad thereby integrating the photonic crystals with double clad fibers.
Dharmendra Gupta (200311010)
All-Optical Networks employing Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) are believed to be the next generation networks that can meet the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth of the end users. The problem of Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) has been receiving a lot of attention recently due to its application to optical networks. Optimal Routing and Wavelength Assignment can significantly increase the efficiency of wavelength-routed all-optical networks. This thesis presents some new heuristics for wavelength assignment and converter placement in mesh topologies. Our heuristics try to assign the wavelengths in an efficient manner that results in very low blocking probability. We propose novel static and dynamic assignment schemes that outperform the assignments reported in the literature even when converters are used. The proposed on-line scheme called Round-Robin assignment outperforms previously proposed strategies such as first-fit and random assignment schemes. The performance improvement obtained with the proposed static assignments is very significant when compared with the dynamic schemes. We designed and developed a simulator in Matlab6.5 that supports the 2D mesh topology with DWDM as well as random topology generation. We ran extensive simulations and compared our heuristics with those reported in the literature. We have examined converter placement in mesh topologies and proposed that placing converters at the center yields better results than uniform placement when dimension order routing is employed. We introduced a new concept called wavelength assignment with second trial that results in extremely low blocking probabilities when compared to schemes based on a single trial. Our proposed schemes are simple to implement and do not add to the cost. Thus we conclude that wavelength assignment plays more significant role in affecting the blocking probability than wavelength converters. The algorithm yields significant improvements in terms of the request blocking probability over traditional techniques. Also we have observed from simulated results that by using even limited conversion of degree two is sufficient to achieve performance of full conversion. We have achieved this performance by using our better heuristic technique of establishing lightpaths.
Neha Khera (200311041)
Designing an Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit (OEIC) is an attractive field of research as it bridges the interface between electrical and optical components. The design of laser driver in optical transmitter is very ciritical because it requires large output current and high speed. To date, majority of laser drivers have been designed using Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) due to wider bandwidth and good quality of passive components. However, the standard digital Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology provides advantages, such as, low power, low cost of fabrication due to high production yield, and a higher degree of integration. Thus, the silicon CMOS technology, which is well known for low cost and high density, is preferred to design an Optoelectronic circuitry.
Under this thesis, the work undertaken pertains to devising cascode-based laser driver circuit operating at 2.5 Gbps, using Hewlett Packard CMOS26G 0.8 micron CMOS process. The devised circuit integrates well with the 1550nm rate equation based equivalent circuit model generated from R-soft design tool kit OptSim 3.6. This is definitely a step forward on the existing topologies, which have worked on 850nm VCSEL. The thesis projects reduction in number of transistors and, consequently, the chip area occupied by the driver. In nutshell, what has been done on this score and what remains to be done has been explained in detail in chapter-4 of the thesis under the title “conclusion & future scope”.
B.Tech Project
Research Internship
Academic Year 2004-05
Academic Year 2003-04
Design Projects
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Optical Communications | CT472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Solid State Devices | EL312 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology | SC431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Solid State Devices | EL 312 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Solid State Devices | EL 312 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Solid State Devices | EL 312 | 3-0-0-3 | Summer |
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Calculus and Complex Variables (Tutorial) | SC 105 | 3-1-0-4 | Autumn |
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Electromagnetic Theory (Tutorial) | SC 217 | 3-1-0-4 | Autumn |
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Electromagnetic Theory | SC 217 | 3-1-0-4 | Autumn |
Course Name | Course Code | Credit Structure | Semester |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Optical Communications | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
ICT Enabled Rural Services | IT 675 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Communication Physics | SC 117 | 3-1-0-4 | Winter |
Experiments in Physics | SC 207 | 0-0-3-1.5 | Autumn |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Communication Physics | SC 117 | 3-1-0-4 | Winter |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Experiments in Physics | SC 207 | 0-0-3-1.5 | Autumn |
Optical Communicatons | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Communication Physics | SC 117 | 3-1-0-4 | Winter |
Introduction to Nanoscience & Technology | SC 431 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Experiments in Physics | SC 207 | 0-0-3-1.5 | Autumn |
Communication Physics | SC 117 | 3-1-3-5.5 | Summer |
Optical Communicatons | CT 472 | 3-0-0-3 | Winter |
Breakthroughs in Sciences | SC 371 | 3-0-0-3 | Autumn |
Electromagnetic Theory | SC217 | 3-1-0-4 | Autumn 08-09 |
Solid State Devices | EL 212 | 3-1-0-4 | Winter 06-07 |
Communication Physics | SC 117 | 3-1-3-5.5 | Winter 03-04 |
Solid State Devices | EL 212 | 3-1-0-4 | Winter 03-04 |
You can find me at my office located at DAIICT, Gandhinagar. You can visit me in Faculty Block 2, Room No. 2105
I am at my office on weekdays from 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM.